June 21, 2021 Nellis is empowering warfighters via DevSecOps The Department of the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office is using multiple technologies to build its Advanced Battle Management System to create decision superiority by delivering information and capabilities to decision makers at all echelons.
April 23, 2020 772nd Test Squadron uses simulators to support high-priority F-35 test missions As the Air Force Test Center’s 412th Test Wing resumed mission-essential flight testing, the 772nd Test Squadron’s (772 TS) modeling and simulation (Sim) engineers and technicians restarted manned cockpit simulation operations to support flight test mission rehearsals at Edwards Air Force Base,
April 8, 2020 452nd FLTS work to keep Global Vigilance mission on track The 452nd Flight Test Squadron has worked through the challenges of teleworking and modified work schedules to keep their fleet of RQ-4 Global Hawks flying and meeting mission requirements.