April 3, 2015: Air Force Test Center Published Standard Operating Procedures For Battle Staff Operations

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  • Air Force Test Center

Air Force Test Center published Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Battle Staff operations within the headquarters. The SOPs defined the command and control structure, crisis responsibilities, operating procedures, and both internal and external lines of communication in the event of a crisis, contingency, or wartime activity.

Educate Staff Sergeants through Master Sergeants to serve as battle staff noncommissioned officers at battalion and higher level staff positions. Battle Staff NCO Course provides selected noncommissioned officers with the tools necessary to learn specific staff duties and become familiar with the duties of other staff sections. BSNCOC provides technical and tactical curriculum relevant to the missions, duties, and responsibilities assigned to battle staff members in battalion and brigade-level units.  The Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officers Course is a branch-immaterial functional course for noncommissioned officers selected for staff assignments, providing them with the tools necessary to learn specific staff duties and become familiar with the duties of other staff sections. BSNCOC provides technical and tactical curriculum relevant to the missions, duties, and responsibilities assigned to battle staff members in battalion and brigade-level units. Graduates of the BSNCOC receive the additional skill identifier (ASI) 2S.  Battle Staff NCO Course uses the experiential learning model strategy. The course map includes Course Overview; Small Group Process; Mission Command; Staff Operations; Operational Environment; Stability Operations; Information Operations; Cyber Defense; Brigade Combat Team; Urban Operations; Tactical Sustainment; Military Briefings; Graphics and Overlays; Plans, Orders, and Attachments; Command Post of the Future; Military Decision Making Process; and Staff Exercise.  Upon departure students will receive an Academic Evaluation Report (AER). The resident course can be attended at either USASMA (Fort Bliss, Texas) or at the NCO academies at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania or Camp Williams, Utah.

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