EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif -- The Air Force Flight Test Center began a major reorganization that would provide for a single responsible test manager below the Air Force Flight Test Center commander, and a single manager for base support. The 6510th Test Wing assumed the functions of the 6510th Maintenance and Supply Group and the 6520th Test Group, which in turn were inactivated. All of the test wing’s major Combined Test Forces were designated as test squadrons, and each new squadron commander retained the dual-hat capacity of Combined Test Force director.
The 6510th Test Wing underwent a major reorganization, as the 6510th Maintenance and Supply Group and the 6520th Test Group were inactivated and the functions of each organization were assigned to the enlarged test wing. In addition, the AFFTC components of each of the major combined test forces were officially designated as test squadrons, with the new commander of each squadron retaining the dual-hat capacity of CTF director. The squadrons activated were: 6510th Test Squadron (B-lB), 6511th Test Squadron (Advanced Tactical Fighter), 6515th Test Squadron (F-15), 6516th Test Squadron (F-16), 6517th Test Squadron (C-17), 6518th Test
Squadron (Special Operations), 6519th Test Squadron (Strategic Systems). The 6510th Test Group was established to manage the B-2 test program and the 6520th Test Squadron was assigned to it.
Under this reorganization, which was implemented to make all test-related activities accountable to a single commander and thereby bring about prompt resolution of organizational conflicts which could potentially impede timely and efficient accomplishment of the flight test mission, two major organizations, the 6510th Maintenance and Supply Group and the 6520th Test Group were inactivated and their functions were placed under the direct control of the test wing commander. On 24 March 1989, the 6510th Air Base Group was inactivated and the new 6500th Air Base Wing was established in its stead. The base hospital, the 6500th Civil Engineering Squadron, and Communications and Computer Division would all now report to the air base wing commander who would, henceforth, be responsible for all base support activities, including a major renovation of the base's infrastructure, its housing and public service facilities, as well as a host of programs concerned with improving the quality of life for base personnel. The placement of all mission-related activities under a single commander and all base support activities under another would not only build cohesiveness and teamwork by establishing a single line of communications and command for each activity, it would also streamline the previously unwieldy overall structure of the the Flight Test Center.