January 6, 2005: New Command Chief Position

  • Published
  • Air Force Flight Test Center

The Air Force Flight Test Center created a Command Chief position from the existing Chief Master Sergeant position in the 95th Air Base Wing, and realigned the Center’s Command Chief position to the 412th Test Wing, consistent with the alignment of installation commander responsibilities to the Air Base Wing

Command Chiefs advise the unit commanders on all enlisted matters, including all issues affecting the command's mission and operations, and the readiness, training, utilization, morale, technical and professional development, and quality of life of all enlisted members in the organization.

The position of command chief master sergeant is unique as it is considered a rank and billet. Formerly, the billets were called senior enlisted advisors and were held by a chief master sergeant. These billets were turned into a permanent rank of command chief master sergeants in November 1998. Command chief master sergeants serve as the senior enlisted advisors to commanders at key levels of command; these include Wings, Numbered Air Forces, Field Operating Agencies, and Major Commands. In a Joint Command, when an Air Force Chief fills a DoD-nominated Command senior enlisted advisor position (see note), that individual is also designated as a Command Chief. Command Chiefs advise the unit commanders on all enlisted matters, including all issues affecting the command's mission and operations, and the readiness, training, utilization, morale, technical and professional development, and quality of life of all enlisted members in the organization. Command Chiefs hold a reporting identifier of 9E000. CCMs provide leadership to the enlisted force and are the functional managers for group superintendents and first sergeants in their organizations. 

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