May 28, 1993: The new 412th Test Wing headquarters building opens

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  • 412th Test Wing

A ribbon-cutting ceremony opened the Air Force Flight Test Center, Flight Test Engineering and Management Facility. The new three-story building, soon to be unofficially nicknamed the “Taj Mahal,”  The building was nicknamed the “Taj Mahal” “not so much for its opulence as its undeniable newness.” 

The facility originally housed  412th Test Wing leadership and staff personnel in one central location.  Building 2750 possessed  330 staff as part of the consolidation of the Flight Test mission at Edwards AFB.  Military construction began on October 8, 1991 and the Pinner Construction Company contractors completed the facility 20 days ahead of schedule.  The effort was the first MILITARY CONSTRUCTION project on Edwards AFB that was done under a formal partnership agreement between Headquarters Air Force Flight Test Center, the United States Arm,y Corps of Engineers and the contractor.  The final bill for building 2750, including furnishings. totaled $13.3 million.

[1] This information is drawn from the History (FOUO) History of the Air Force Flight Test Center, 1 Oct 1992-30 Sep 1994 Supporting Document III-6.  Information used is UNCLASSIFIED.

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