Commander's Log: Happy Holidays!

  • Published
  • By Maj. Gen. Christopher Azzano
  • Air Force Test Center


The holidays are upon us!  Your hard work has made 2020 another spectacularly successful year across the Test enterprise.  My holiday wish for you is a well-deserved break to spend time with loved ones and enjoy the peace you help secure every day.

If you are traveling, please remember the risks associated with winter weather, busy roadways, and the COVID-19 pandemic.  Connect and celebrate safely.  You are part of our family and we need you back in good health and fully recharged in 2021.

Over the next year I will continue to champion AFTC’s critical role in our Nation’s defense, showcasing your exceptional risk management, innovation, and Warfighter focus.  Our aggressive expansion of integrated, all-domain testing will enable the United States to prevail against any adversary in the decades ahead.  Regardless of your role in AFTC, thank you for your sacrifices and unwavering commitment!

Now…please take some time to relax and reflect.  This year has been filled with unforeseen challenges, and like most Americans, you probably have a few dents in your “deflector shield.”  Many of us are wondering when things will return to “normal”, and what the new normal might look like.  While contemplating these questions recently, I walked outside for some fresh air and noticed the peaceful night sky and sparkling lights of our neighborhood.  With the aroma of baking and sounds of festive music in the air, it was obvious the spirit of the Holidays had survived 2020.  We have each other, we have our freedom, and we have hope.  I wish each of you a similar renewal during this holiday season.

Please look after each other, remember our deployed warriors and their families, and know that our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.  Jennifer joins me in wishing you and your families Happy Holidays and a healthy, prosperous 2021!

