Air Force Test Center Team,
Two-hundred and forty-four years ago in a time of crisis, fifty-six delegates gathered at the Second Continental Congress to institute a government founded on humanity’s inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You, Airmen of the Test Center and your families, continue to defend these very same ideals. I thank you, and all those who have served, for your commitment and sacrifice.
Today, we also live in a time of crisis. We simultaneously face a resurging pandemic, the oppressive effects of systemic injustice, and an uncertain economy. These times require each of us to renew our pledge to each other—“our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor”—as we celebrate the anniversary of our Declaration of Independence.
Over the 4th of July weekend, I ask you to treat COVID-19 as a worthy adversary and redouble your efforts to keep it from spreading. If you feel the least bit under the weather, stay home. Wear masks, socially distance, and minimize your exposure to large gatherings. At this point in the pandemic, every one of us should know and carefully follow CDC best practices, even if our local communities don’t require them. Please set the example as an American Airman! We know what causes this disease to spread, and careless activity that puts you or others in harm’s way is not consistent with our Core Values.
With COVID prevention in mind, I encourage you to enjoy yourselves this weekend and find responsible outlets for the added stress brought on these last few months. As you do, please remember the hazards associated with many popular summer activities. Think before you recreate, and exercise world-class risk management in all your decisions. We need you and your families healthy and safe if we’re going to conquer the challenges before us.
Trust that I will be thinking of you this holiday weekend, and celebrating the ideals of liberty and equality you defend for all Americans.
As always, it’s an honor to serve with you!
