ShOC-N to host Industry Day, dynamic targeting focus

  • Published
  • By 505th Command and Control Wing Public Affairs
  • 805th Combat Training Squadron

The 805th Combat Training Squadron, also known as the Shadow Operations Center – Nellis, will host an Industry Day focusing on dynamic targeting and kill-chain automation experimentation on June 9, 2023 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.

The Secretary of the Air Force has designated the achievement of operationally-optimized Advanced Battle Management System , or ABMS,—the AF’s contribution to Joint All-Domain Command and Control, as an operational imperative.  As the AF’s primary location for ABMS and JADC2 experimentation, the ShOC-N’s Industry Day will focus with specific interest in solutions in manual and/or automated data facilitation and distribution for intelligence, command and control, and battle management fielded systems and new prototypes.

In order for the ShOC-N to experiment with solutions aimed at increasing battle management decision speed and quality to win the pacing fight, existing fielded systems and new prototypes require integration for data sharing, automation, and timeline compression. In addition, automated data collection and analytics remains a challenge and available for industry's awareness and/or inputs. The experiment’s goal is successful integration of new capabilities to build new tactics, techniques and procedure, or TTPs, for decision advantage against a pacing challenge.

The Industry Day will be held at the Shadow Operations Center – Nellis, at 3663 Tyndall Avenue, Building 202, Nellis AFB, NV 89191. The draft agenda is:

0700-0800 (PST): Badging, coffee, social hour

0800-1100 (PST): Transformational Modeling for Battle Management, or TM-BM, Experiment (Clearances up to SECRET required)

The intent for the experiment is to expose industry members to a visceral and experience-based understanding of the pain points and challenges. The framework for the morning is brief, execute, and rotate industry members through an experiment.

1100-1230 (PST): Working Lunch

1230-1330 (PST): TM-BM Debrief and ShOC Capstone Overview for TTP development with C2 automation

1330-1600 (PST): Q&A with industry


The Industry Day registration deadline is June 2 via the link provided below. 

The event is classified up to secret. For event questions, see link for contact details.

The ShOC-N is the U.S. Air Force's premier Battle Lab supporting the experimentation, prototyping, integration, and testing of key technologies and capabilities designed to compress the kill chain for joint and coalition warfighters.

The ShOC-N continues searching for industry partners developing technology that can be modified to meet mission needs and innovative constructs that will influence C2 systems, software development and experimentation in the future.


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