Shadow Operations Center-Nellis Industry Open House

  • Published
  • By Deb Henley, 505th Command and Control Wing Public Affairs
  • 805th Combat Training Squadron

The 805th Combat Training Squadron, also known as the Shadow Operations Center-Nellis, aims to increase synchronization with industry partners to improve command and control systems and processes as part of the Advanced Battle Management System, or ABMS, during the ShOC-N Industry Open House event, Dec. 9, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.

The ShOC-N is the U.S. Air Force’s premier Battle Lab supporting the experimentation, prototyping, integration and test of key technologies, and capabilities designed to compress the kill chain for joint and coalition warfighters.

Since coming to office, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall has consistently emphasized the important role industry partners play in advancing our ability to C2 airpower.  In recognition of this important partnership between industry partners and the Air Force, vendors that have capabilities to enhance C2 system architectures, exercise support and the automation of C2 processes are invited to submit a request to attend the ShOC-N Industry Open House event. 

The event will inform industry partners on the following to advance C2 airpower and create shared awareness to continue accelerating C2 processes:

Strategic Guidance: Update on current Air Force strategic guidance with a focus on future C2 capabilities and needs.  How is the Air Force aligning with Secretary of the Air Force Operational Imperatives to deter/beat China?

What is Operational, Tactical, and Agile C2: Focus on the how the Air Force operates today and how we will address the future C2 problem sets.  How can we better provide “War Winning Air Component C2” and how do industry partners fit in?

505th Command and Control Wing Mission Brief: The mission of the 505th CCW is to “prepare and enable the joint force to execute war winning command and control of airpower.”  Roles include air operations center weapons system training, testing, exercise support, and experimentation.

ShOC-N Mission Overview: The ShOC-N hosts industry partners providing opportunities for multi-domain systems at varying classifications to connect to operationally relevant data and gain access to warfighters for feedback.

ShOC-N Mission and Capabilities: Inform industry of the mission of the ShOC-N, overview existing capabilities within the laboratory, discuss upcoming opportunities, and ShOC-N's roadmap for new capabilities.

How Industry can Utilize the ShOC-N: ShOC-N will cover the mechanisms for use of the laboratory including: potential to help refine the laboratory's instrumentation roadmap and potential for Cooperative Research and Development Agreements, or CRADA, efforts.

Industry Technology Onboarding: ShOC-N will discuss how technologies are onboarded into the ShOC-N environment with emphasis on cyber security processes.

Due to the volume of vendors that wish to attend, industry partners must initiate attendance requests through the Government Point of Entry via:

NLT 12:00 p.m. (EST), November 18, 2022

The security classification for the ShOC-N Industry Open House event is SECRET and no dial-in capability is available.

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