AFTC Civilian Developmental Education Selectees

  • Published
  • Air Force Test Center

On 14 September 2022, the Air Force released the results of Academic Year 2023 Civilian Development call.  Air Force Test Center had 69 primary and alternate selects.

The Department of the Air Force AY23 CD Selection Board was held 3-5 Aug 22.  Twelve SES members and two General Officers considered a total of 318 applicants. The board selected 131 primaries and 91 alternates to attend a variety of Civilian Development opportunities.  Functional Development Teams selected a total of 1,178 primary and 138 alternates for CD DT-approved programs. This number will increase when the DoD makes final selections for the Defense Civilian Emerging Leader Program, which will be in the late September to early October.

Candidates were eligible to be a primary or alternate for multiple programs.  Selectee status is indicated as "primary" or "alternate."  Those selected for the Civilian Strategic Leadership Program are indicated as "primary".

According to Mr. Dave Eisenstadt, the AFTC Director of Personnel, the CD process was very competitive this year.  AFTC did exceptionally well.  The selects should be very proud, they are the best of the best.

Mr. Eisenstadt also stated if you missed out on the AY23 CD process, you’ll have another opportunity to apply for the AY24 program.  AFTC expect to kick off the AY24 CD campaign in early 2023.


Below is a list of this year’s AFTC selects:

Chastity Aguilar, 96TW/FS Squadron Officer School Primary

Wiley Allgood, 96TW/S&E Leading with Impact Primary

Myla Andersen, HQ AFTC/CON Organizational Leader Course Primary

Justin Anthony, HQ AFTC/FS Air Command and Staff College Online Masters Program Primary

Jamie Auger, 96TW/LOG Air Command and Staff College Online Masters Program Primary

Lauren Barboza, 96TW/FS Air Command and Staff College Online Masters Program Primary

Ashley Bayard, 96TW/S&E Organizational Leader Course Primary

Kelsey Belmont, 412TW/S&E Leading with Impact Primary

James Bigler-Damian, 96TW/SEC Organizational Leader Course Primary

Julia Blair, 412TW/SEC Air Command and Staff College Online Masters Program Primary

Gayle Bluekeyes, 96TW/SEC Upgrading Your Executive Leadership Approach Primary

Daniel Butler, 412TW/SEC Leading with Impact Alternate

Kiralei Celestino, HQ AFTC/PM Air Command and Staff College Online Masters Program Primary

Benjamin Coffey, HQ AFTC/S&E Enterprise Leadership Seminar Primary

Brenden Coleman, 412TW/S&E Air Command and Staff College Online Masters Program Alternate

Michael Contratto, 96TW/S&E National and International Security Leadership Seminar Alternate

Brenda Cott, 96TW/SEC Civilian Associates Degree Program Alternate

Justin Dalton, HQ AFTC/CON Leading Effectively Through Change Primary

Roderick Davis, Jr., 412TW/FS Enterprise Leadership Seminar Alternate

Roderick Davis, Jr., 412TW/FS Upgrading Your Executive Leadership Approach Primary

Michael Dent, AEDC/S&E Upgrading Your Executive Leadership Approach Primary

Brian Disorbo, 96TW/SEC Air Command & Staff College Primary

Brittany Elder, HQ AFTC/FS Leading with Impact Primary

Jennifer Ewers, HQ AFTC/PM Air Command and Staff College Online Masters Program Alternate

Christopher Gregory, 96TW/SEC Organizational Leader Course Primary

Ethan Hays, AEDC/S&E Leading with Impact Alternate

David Hoey, AEDC/S&E Leading with Impact Primary

Rebecca Hoppe, HQ AFTC/CON Leading Effectively Through Change Primary

Bradley Houck, 96TW/S&E Leading with Impact Primary

John Huber, HQ AFTC/CON Enterprise Leadership Seminar Primary

Kristopher Hughes, AEDC/CE Leading Change and Innovation Alternate

Dante Jackson, 412TW/S&E Civilian Leadership Course Primary

Lorenzo Javier, 96TW/SEC Organizational Leader Course Primary

Matthew Kaczor, 96TW/LOG Squadron Officer School Alternate

James Keith, AEDC/S&E Leading Effectively Through Change Primary

Jeremy Kidd, AEDC/FS Civilian Associates Degree Program Primary

Casey Luna, 412TW/S&E Squadron Officer School Primary

Kelly Marquez, 412TW/FM Civilian Leadership Course Primary

Michael Mcalister, 96TW/S&E Leading with Impact Primary

Jeri Mcclung, 96TW/S&E Enterprise Leadership Seminar Alternate

Jeri Mcclung, 96TW/S&E Leading Effectively Through Change Primary

Minerva Mcfarland, 412TW/CYBER & IT Organizational Leader Course Primary

Constance Mooney, AEDC/FS Air Command and Staff College Online Masters Program Primary

Larry Moore, 96TW/SEC Leading with Impact Primary

Tiffany Music, HQ AFTC/FS Masters Degree Primary

Ryan Nichols, HQ AFTC/CON Excellence in Government Primary

Stephanie Pella, HQ AFTC/CON Organizational Leader Course Primary

Wendy Peterson, 412TW/S&E Rand Fellowship Program Primary

Jeremy Rennahan, 96TW/CON Squadron Officer School Primary

Candice Rodriguez, 412TW/FS Civilian Associates Degree Program Primary

Jennifer Schlinger, 96TW/FS Organizational Leader Course Primary

Bryan Sinkovec, AEDC/S&E Leading with Impact Primary

Bryan Sinkovec, AEDC/S&E Air Command & Staff College Alternate

David Smith, 412TW/FS Upgrading Your Executive Leadership Approach Primary

Kyle Snow, 96TW/S&E Squadron Officer School Primary

Christine Socea, 412TW/CYBER & IT Civilian Associates Degree Program Primary

Christopher Stewart, 96TW/S&E Civilian Leadership Course Primary

Kevin Sura, 96TW/S&E Civilian Leadership Course Primary

Kevin Sura, 96TW/S&E Civilian Strategic Leader Program Primary

Edgar Tucker, AEDC/S&E Civilian Leadership Course Primary

Scott Wacker, AEDC/S&E Enterprise Leadership Seminar Alternate

Scott Wacker, AEDC/S&E Leading Effectively Through Change Primary

Steven Way, 412TW/CE Civilian Associates Degree Program Primary

Ronald White, 412TW/LOG Civilian Leadership Course Primary

David Willcox, 96TW/CYBER & IT Enterprise Leadership Seminar Alternate

Larry Wolford, 412TW/LOG Leading Change and Innovation Primary

Gary Wollam, AEDC/S&E Leading Change and Innovation Primary

Erica Wright, 96TW/SEC Air Command and Staff College Online Masters Program Primary

Kevin Zamora, AEDC/LOG Civilian Associates Degree Program Primary