AFTC honors Black History Month: Interview with Terence Vickers

  • Published
  • By Tiffany Holloway
  • Air Force Test Center

For the entire month of February, we will celebrate up-and-coming Black leaders within the Air Force Test Center. This week, we highlight Terence Vickers, AFTC headquarters during a question-and-answer session with Tiffany Holloway, AFTC public affairs director.

Tell me about yourself.

I’ve been a federal employee for 17 years. Wow! Time has gone fast. I completed a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Business Administration; completed a master’s degree in Human Resources to see what the civilian side of HR offered. Then, I completed a Project Management Curriculum via University California at Los Angeles Extension Program. Because of my professional and educational background, I pursued a position in the Contracting field.

I’ve been here at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. since August 1997. I finished the last six at Edwards, of my 22 years in the Air Force. Yes, I served in the Air Force for 22 years, as a Personnel Specialist/Manager (the Military version of Human Resources).  The duties were highly customer service oriented, while managing and protecting very confidential and sensitive data on assigned personnel.

How did you know to ask if I was a military brat? Yes. My father completed an Air Force Career.  We relocated about every 2 to 3 years. It afforded us the opportunities to live in various locations, Kansas City, Mo., Hawaii, Wichita, Kan., Del., and Fla. My family and I adapted to meeting new neighbors, classmates and environments.  I have vivid memories of people I met, and specific experiences that has contributed to my overall development.  I feel very fortunate, thanks to my parents.

What motivates you to work hard?  

The desire to meet the challenges presented as best as I can. Also, I like to provide the best finished products that contribute to specific purpose or missions, with quality in mind.  

What’s the best thing about your job?  

Vickers: The best thing about being a contracting professional is being able to share knowledge and practices gained in the acquisition and procurement environment.  My job allows me to execute contract actions, as a team member, to support and enable the mission partner experts to purchase and receive products/services required for their specific missions.  It feels good to contribute to something bigger than myself. We are all supporting the Warfighter.

What is your proudest accomplishment?   

I actually have two. I completed a six-course curriculum in project management via UCLA Extension Program. I have been entrusted and appointed to serve as Contracting Officer. This authority allows me to legally bind the government in the procurement of products and services for contractors.

Is there a famous African American who you look up to? Why?  

It would have to be Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  A visionary with a dream. He displayed commitment to lead a significant movement that drew worldwide acclaim.  He sacrificed his life with the commitment to bring change for mankind with a peaceful approach. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a husband to a strong wife.  He also left a strong legacy to his children who are still pursuing his dream. Rightly so, an annual holiday to celebrate him (MLK) was designated nationwide.