May 15, 1969: The 6514th Test Squadron Was Created and Assigned to the 6512th Test Group

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  • Air Force Flight Test Squadron

The 6514th Test Squadron was created and assigned to the 6512th Test Group. The new squadron was the result of an effort to consolidate all Air Force unmanned aircraft (drone) development, procurement, testing and support activities into one organization. These included the Air Force Materiel Command test activities at the Pacific Missile Range at Point Mugu, California, and the Air Force Systems Command activities at the Air Force Missile Development Center at Holloman AFB, New Mexico. Transfer of assets and personnel to the Air Force Flight Test Center was to take place in June and July, 1970.

Activated in 1970 at Edwards AFB to support flight testing the Ryan AQM-34Q Firebee reconnaissance drone. Helicopters were fitted as MARS (Mid-Air Retrieval System) . Moved to Hill AFB in 1973. Redesignated 514th Flight Test Squadron in 1992   In 1973-1977 tested BQM-34 B,M,L drones also 34R, and 34F both air and ground launch, dco and rco training for same, also testing on avionics and recovery systems   In 1975-1979 at Hill AFB H-53 Helicopters performed drone recovery missions over test range using MARS system.   There was a C-130 A model for air deployment of the drones